The Legacy of Pemberley

von Rebecca Ann Collins


The       Legacy of Pemberley - Buchcover

Zitat aus dem Klappentext:

And now, as they say in TV parlance, we have the series final. In The Legacy of Pemberley, Ms. Collins concludes, in a chronological sense, the popular series, drawing together the characters and themes that have been woven like a tapestry through the novels.

It would be wrong to reveal the storylines; which her readers will want to discover for themselves. Suffice it to say that, as in all her books, the characters are credible, the plots plausible and the stories are told in an engaging and unpretentious style. For her many fans, the only disappointment with The Legacy of Pemberley, will be that this is the last of the Pemberley series.
rebecca ann collins enterprises

erstmals erschienen: 2005

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